Friday, September 18, 2015

MINUTES, September 17, 2015

Lehi Elementary School Community Council 
September 17, 2015 
Meeting Minutes

In Attendance:  Amy Grace, Jodie Harris, Joel Miller, Cathleen Tronson, Susan Archibald, Chrissy Felt, Clayton Grace, Shauna Alvarado

Celebrations:  We had a great start to our school year. No problems. The new students from Sego Lily seem to be assimilating well. Back -to -School night was well attended. Our before and after school programs are underway and are going well.

Election of Board Leadership:

  • Chair- Clayton Grace motioned by Cathleen, seconded by Chrissy
  • Vice Chair- Chrissy Felt motioned by Joel, seconded Shauna
  • Secretary –Shauna Alvarado motioned by Joel, seconded by Chrissy

Review School-wide Date with School Grade:  State office of Education has reported school grades. Lehi Elementary has received a B grade, an increase from a C the previous year. This past year our overall percentage points were 54.33. Overall school points: 326 out of 600. The previous year we had 294 points out of 600. This is an increase of 32 points.

As part of discussing our increase we looked at 4th, 5th, 6th grade students ELA and Math test scores:

  • School wide average percent of change in ELA is a 3.35% increase. Our school land trust goal was 3 points.
  • School wide average percent of change in Math is a 4.0% increase. Our school land trust goal was 3 points. Specifically in Math 5th grade has the largest increase by 18%. 3rd grade had an increase of 3%, 4th showed 0% increase and 6th experience a decrease of 5%
  • Comparison of Lehi Elementary with other schools in Utah with similar demographics shows that we are the highest in growth points in Math!
  • School wide average percentage of change for Science was a 1.67% increase. This is a focus point for goal setting this year.
  • DRA Data: Overall the school experienced growth between the 13-14 school year and the 14-15 school year.

Report of Trustland Fund SIP:  As part of Lehi Elementary’s weekly collaboration we look at data to compare teachers scores and study what it is that higher scoring teachers are doing in order to be more effective. We are also looking to the highest scoring schools within our band of schools. We are planning to meet with teams of from those schools who are scoring high to learn what it is that they are doing to be effective.

Programs that are currently in place to promote student growth include flextime and double dosing to target those students who need more instruction on specific standards. We also have extra curricular activities such as Gifted and Talented, choir, chime choir and ball room. These all work together to create an engaging environment for our students.

Joel will be meeting with team leaders from each grade level to discuss grade level goals and what each team plans to do to meet them. Joel will be presenting this information to the SCC during the next meeting.

Calendaring:  A meeting for SCC chairs and principals is Monday, September 21st. Joel and Clayton will be attending.

Notes prepared by Shauna Alvarado